The Dolman Theatre was transformed into that hottest nightspot, when The New Venture Players burst onto stage in their latest production, Copacabana.

Colourful, vibrant and energetic, the Barry Manilow classic was tailor made for this talented company.

In the capable hands of director, Gordon Collins, musical director Brian Weir and choreographer Abbie Gregory, a by-gone era of music, nightlife and glamour was effortlessy re-created.

Aspiring songwriter Stephen, Ben Hurley, is penning his next big hit when he is carried back to the world famous Copacabana nightclub, where he launches hopeful showgirl Lola, Megan Fitzpatrick, on the road to stardom.

Ben commands every scene, his confidence and experience drawing an equally memorable performance from 17 year old Megan in her debut performance for the company.

Debbie Postle, who just grows with every production, gave her character Gladys, humour, warmth and verve, and along with Conchita, Joanne Symonds, Sam, James Stanford and Rico, Michael Lowe, provided the platform from which the lead couple could bounce.

Well-disciplined, yet racy and up-beat, this is not to be missed. It runs until Saturday