A MENTAL health nurse committed a series of mistakes involving the administration of medicine to patients at a Gwent hospital, a nursing hearing has been told.

Helen Carole Woods, who was not present at the hearing, previously admitted a range of charges relating to incidents while working on the Adferiad ward at St Cadoc’s Hospital, Caerleon.

Miss Woods, who qualified as a registered nurse in 2005 after working as a healthcare support worker, was dismissed by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in April 2016 on grounds of capability following a disciplinary investigation.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) heard yesterday that, while working at St Cadoc’s, Miss Woods failed to demonstrate the skill and knowledge required for practice without supervision.

Miss Woods was the subject of a disciplinary investigation in 2013, when the health board acknowledged her performance had improved but she still needed supervision.

A range of subsequent incidents involving Miss Woods were described by the NMC panel.

A statement said: “On one or more occasions before September 12, 2014, you administered depot medication (any medication administered over a period of time) without it being checked.

“On two or more occasions on or before September 12, 2014, you failed to administer Clozapine (used to treat schizophrenia) to treat patient A.

“On September 14, 2014, you incorrectly recorded that you had administered paracetamol to patient B.

“On September 14, 2014, you failed to register that you had administer paracetamol to patient C.

“On October 5, 2014, you attempted to administer 300 milligrams of Gabapentin (used to treat epilepsy) to patient D instead of the prescribed dose of 100mg.

“On October 7, 2014, you attempted to give patient E’s inhaler to patient F.

“On April 13, 2015 or June 26, 2015, you administered 2 x 400mg of Ibuprofen instead 2 x 200mg to patient G.”

Miss Woods had been assessed as not competent to administer medication during this period.

NMC panel chairwoman Helen Potts said the facts were proved and that the panel had considered the admission of the charges.

She said: “The panel considered her fitness to practice impaired due to her lack of competence. “Considering the number of medications and the significant period of time, the panel considers this to be a serious matter.

“The panel has regarded the fact she hasn’t worked as a nurse for a period of time.”

The panel imposed a condition of practice order on Miss Woods for 12 months, meaning she would be subject to supervision were she to work as a nurse again.

An interim suspension order was also imposed on her for 18 months.