We've been back for almost a week now and I think I've finally got used to life out of the saddle again.

But its a strange feeling. On the road there is just one objective at any point of time: 1 - Get up the road and get the kilometres in 2 - Find a hotel 3 - Get cleaned up 4 - Get some food and beer Back in the UK life is not quite so simple!

The good news is that I have raised over £2,600 for Roger's heart transplant charity. Martin has raised a similar amount for his charity.

So overall it's been a successful tour - we've seen parts of Spain you wouldn't normally see, we've run the guantlet of a thousand Spanish construction workers, reduced the population of snakes on the Iberian peninsular by 3 and raised over £5,000 for charity.

Salud amigos y dos cervezas por favor!