The South Wales Argus Camera Club has more than 4,600 members and we regularly feature their pictures both in paper and online.

But we thought it would be good to find out more about the people who make up the club.

If you are a member of the club and want to be part of the our Behind the Lens feature go to and fill out the easy to use Q&A.

Today we meet Daniel Pontin, who is 32 and a driver.

When and why did you take up photography?

I started taking photos after my son was born, mainly for memories of him.

Why do you love taking pictures?

Sometimes memories fade, pictures always stay the same. We go through life so fast sometimes it's nice to sit and just look at our memories.

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

Hereford is a gorgeous place for photos.

What equipment do you use?

I have a Fujifilm Finepix S camera, and my phone.

What is the favourite picture you have taken and why?

I have two. One is a picture of my son's hand on my finger when he was three weeks old and the other is a reflection of my son in my sunglasses - it's slightly blurry though.

Why did you join the SWACC?

I didn't even know the page existed until one of my neighbours told me about it. I'm glad he did because I like seeing other peoples photos and getting inspiration and tips from them.

What advice would you give anyone who wants to get into photography?

Go for it, what have you got to lose? Nothing. But you gain so much more in memories, even if it's just taking photos for yourself to look back on.

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be and why?

I'd love to go and take photos of in Norway. It's a stunning looking country. Plus it's somewhere I'd love to go.