A South Wales MS has visited a Newport logistic business in a bid to highlight the role played by the sector in our everyday lives.

Natasha Asghar, shadow Minister for Transport, visited Newport-based Alan R Jones & Sons Ltd.

She said: "The logistics industry is worth £127 billion to the UK economy, but its true value is the role it plays in making sure we get everything we need. As such, it is fundamental to the way we live our lives."

Ms Asghar said: “I am delighted to have visited Alan R Jones & Sons Ltd to show my appreciation for a sector that supports the supply chain and ensures the constant flow of critical goods and medical supplies to the NHS, all while facing the worst driver shortage the industry has ever seen.

“I was pleased to hear what is being done to encourage people into the industry as a career choice and in particular youngsters, to show the vast range of employment opportunities in the logistics sector, including administration, driving, warehouse, workshop and management.

“Virtually everything we buy are use has been handled by a number of people-from the producer, to the trucker to the warehouse operative, to the transport manager, and many others in between.

“But it doesn’t end there because there is the recycling and waste management process developing smarter and more sustainable ways material back into production as goods or energy.”

Ray Clegg, managing director of Alan R Jones & Sons Ltd, said: “It is vital that the Welsh Government recognises the importance of the logistics industry to the Welsh economy, road infrastructure improvements and funding pathways for logistics staff including driver training is essential alongside a common sense approach to the environment that does not restrict the Welsh economy as it comes out of the pandemic”

“As the Road Haulage Association’s director for Wales I will continue to push the vital importance of our industry across the whole of Wales.”