BEDTIME STORIES: The nursery at Eveswell Primary School celebrated World Book Day with bedtime stories at Maindee Library. The event was attended mainly by three- and four-year-olds, but several younger and older brothers and sisters came along, together with parents and grandparents - a party totalling 22.

The children and young people's services manager for Newport libraries, Tracey Paddon, entranced the children with a variety of wonderful stories as they sat on the carpet cuddling their teddies. The parents were equally impressed. Some hadn't visited the library before but have now joined and are able to borrow books from the wonderful selection in a variety of languages.

Bedtime stories are read every month at the nursery to enhance children's literacy and love of stories. The children arrive in their pyjamas with cuddly toys for half an hour of stories before they go to bed. It is very popular, and they drink milk or Fairtrade hot chocolate while they listen to the stories. Parents also listen while drinking their tea and coffee (teddies and pyjamas optional!) Some children have come for three years and are now in Year 2 in the primary school, but love it so much they still want to come back each month! Each time has a different theme and the books are carefully chosen to appeal to a wide range of ages. The final story each month always has the theme of bedtime and sleep.

LENTEN LUNCHES continue to be served on Thursdays at noon at St Julian's Methodist Church. Soup, bread and tea will be served in return for a donation to Christian Aid.

POLICE SURGERY: Wednesday, March 26, 6-8pm, Scout Hut, Bank Street.

Local organisations - let me know your news and future events to share with Grassroots readers.