ITV Coronation Street star Charlie Lawson launched an x-rated tirade towards Jedward after a string of controversial tweets sent by the pair following the Queen’s death.

The actor, who has portrayed Jim McDonald on the soap, was among thousands to hit back at the pop twins following their controversial tweets.

The duo, who found fame on The X Factor and have twice represented Ireland at Eurovision, called on the monarchy to be abolished.

They said: "Abolish the monarchy and give the people real democracy!"

The then added: "King Charles should hand back the six Irish counties on his visit to Northern Ireland - No war! Just words! It’s time."

They have since shared an image which reads “NOT MY KING” with the caption “Freedom of speech”.

The tweets sparked backlash on social media, with the Corries actor being one of them.

Lawson said: "Shut up y’pair of t****!!"

Another social media user added: “Well, obviously. It does feel a bit at this point like you're just using whatever the latest event is for likes. This statement would mean something if you were British, but you're not, everybody knows he's not your king.”

The Queen died “peacefully” at Balmoral on Thursday with the sate funeral scheduled to take place on Monday 19 September.