APPOINTMENTS at Newport's main hospital will resume today, Wednesday, following an earlier emergency services incident.

The main outpatients unit at the Royal Gwent Hospital was evacuated shortly before 9am when some witnesses reported a smell of smoke.

Firefighters arrived at the scene, initially to conduct inspection work, but later rushing into the building with hoses.

Read our live coverage of this incident here.

"South Wales Fire and Rescue Service has now left the Royal Gwent Hospital site and the building has been made secure," said a spokesperson for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board at around 10.30am.

"Anyone with an appointment in the main outpatients department from 11am onwards today can attend their appointment as these will be running as planned.

"Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

"Thank you for everyone’s co-operation and to our staff and the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service for their quick response."