MULTIPLE meteor showers are set to peak in the night skies above the UK this weekend.

Stargazers are in for a treat this weekend as the Delta Aquariid shower and the Alpha Capricornid shower peak on Saturday night and during the early hours of Sunday morning.

You won’t need any special equipment to spot the Alpha Capricornid shower in the UK, however the weather may prove a stumbling block if your forecast is cloudy.

The meteors in this shower can appear in any part of the night sky, so it is a good idea to find a clear view, unobstructed by trees, buildings and street lights if you are planning to watch the shower.

The peak for the Delta Aquariid shower is expected at around 2am on Sunday morning, though meteors will continue to fly steadily through the early weeks of August as well as this weekend.

A third meteor shower, the Perseid meteor shower, is also currently occurring, with up to 100 “shooting stars” being visible in an hour at its peak.

The display is caused by Earth slamming into the debris left behind by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle in July and August each year.

The meteors seem to originate from the Perseus constellation.

The shower is considered one of the best of the year because it produces bright meteors and is one of the most active.

There is also a high chance of seeing fireballs, which are very bright meteors, as well as meteors with long trains.

Observers can look out for the shower wherever they are, but a clear sky with minimal light pollution offers the best chance of catching a glimpse.

The maximum number of “shooting stars” observers are likely to see at the peak of the shower is 100 per hour.

While normal rates can see anywhere between 50 and 75 shooting stars in the sky every hour.

This year’s meteor shower, which began last week, is expected to peak around August 13, and will continue until August 24.

The best time to view the shower is between midnight and 5.30am.