Only weeks ago, Wales became the first country in the UK to rollout blanket 20mph speed limits – with many Welsh voters quite rightly furious.

More than 450,000 people have signed a petition calling for the £33 million ludicrous policy to be scrapped, there have been protests outside the Welsh Parliament and across the country, mass uproar on social media and lots of emails, messages and calls from residents.

All of that culminated in me leading a vote of no confidence in Labour’s Deputy Minister for Climate Change – who is responsible for this policy – in a bid to make the Cardiff Bay administration listen to the concerns of the public.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, Labour politicians rallied behind the Deputy Minister with their coalition pals Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Parliament’s sole Lib Dem voting against the motion.

Instead of standing up for their constituents, each and every single one of them turned their backs on their communities – highlighting their attitude that they know better than those who voted them in.

Residents have raised legitimate concerns over this policy, such as the impact it will have on their livelihoods, emergency service response times and the economy, which we already know is facing a £9 billion blow as a result of 20mph speed limits.

Yet the government in Cardiff has completely disregarded their views, and have sought to undermine the ever-growing petition.

In fact, Labour has tried to paint people opposing their 20mph speed limit scheme as monsters with the government’s Counsel General, Mick Antoniw, saying: “Tories so happy to see people and particularly children killed or injured on our roads.”

Not only is this completely untrue and incredibly irresponsible statement, but it also shows Labour doesn’t care about the electorate and will shame and cow them at every opportunity.

Despite Labour ministers continuing to dig their heels in over this policy, my Welsh Conservative colleagues and I will continue to push for this scheme to be dropped.

Welsh Conservatives will always stand up for motorists, whether that be over this 20mph scheme, Labour’s ban on road building or proposed congestion charges.