SPRAWLING solar farms will damage the “fragile and complex landscape” of the Gwent Levels forever, local people have said.

Last Thursday, December 7, residents of Bishton and Magor attended a public meeting organised by the Gwent Wildlife Trust to express their opposition to plans for two new farms.

Together, the Craig y Perthi site, surrounding Bishton village from three sides, and Magor Net Zero would span nearly 300 hectares.

Around 20 per cent of the Craig y Perthi development would sit inside a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Planning manager Mike Webb says the Gwent Wildlife Trust says SSSI land should be treated as “sacrosanct”.

“Extremely high levels of pollutants are being found inside and near solar power stations, in some cases several times higher than Natural Resources Wales' threshold guidelines,” he said.

“These pollutants include heavy metals and oil. The beautiful and endangered lapwing has already been driven to extinction on the Llanwern solar plant area on the Levels, illustrating categorically that habitat cannot be mitigated for.

“Furthermore, these plants are described as temporary. In reality, temporary means 40 years.”

Mark Campbell, representing the Bishton village campaign group said: “The development will totally engulf the village.

“Despite what has been claimed by the development company, there will be no benefit for our community whatsoever.

“The building of this plant will cause huge disruption: noise, lighting, roads – but the havoc won’t stop there. A plant of this size will need constant maintenance, so the disruption will be permanent.

“The nature and wildlife that makes the place so special will disappear.

“Habitat cannot be compensated for and the community cannot be compensated for the negative impact this development will have on our life and wellbeing.”

Craig y Perthi project manager Robin Johnson contests that solar farms represent a “fantastic opportunity” for wildlife and that more than 95 per cent of the affected land at Craig y Perthi will remain usable for sheep and chicken grazing.

Developers JBM Solar have told the Argus they are aiming to submit their proposals to the Welsh Government by the end of the year.

South Wales Argus: The Stop Craig y Perthi campaign group

Gwent Wildlife Trust is calling for a halt to significant development on the Levels until full, formal protection for the landscape has been agreed.

Their Senedd petition has amassed more than 2,600 signatures with just over a month to collect the 10,000 necessary to be considered for debate.

You can find the petition at www.petitions.senedd.wales/petitions/245508