FLY-TIPPERS dumped their Christmas rubbish at recycling sites in Cwmbran landing Torfaen council with extra unwanted clear-up costs.

Despite Fly-tipping Action Wales’ warning residents that they would be clamping down on fly-tipping over the festive season, after clearance costs in Gwent last Christmas exceeded £50,000, the message went ignored.

Fly-tippers left the recycling facilities in the car park of Fairwater Shops in mess the week after Christmas.

Cwmbran resident Ben Black, who took the pictures, said: “It’s people’s laziness that’s annoying. I don’t understand why people can’t travel that bit further to the tip or just wait for the council collections to happen. It makes the whole area look unsightly.”

The recycling facilities by Cwmbran Stadium were also left with boxes and wrappers piled up outside the banks.

Cllr John Cunningham, executive member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “We monitor all our recycling sites for fly-tipping daily but due to resources over Christmas and the New Year these checks were limited to twice a week. It’s a real shame that a fewselfish individuals are hindering the vast majority of Torfaen residents who are making a huge effort to recycle.”

After five days the mess was eventually cleared up on Friday.

Previous figures for Torfaen show that there were 361 cases of fly-tipping costing £18,531 to clear up in 2011.

Cllr Cunningham added: “Fly-tipping is simply not acceptable and something we treat very seriously. We do carry out covert operations at our recycling sites using CCTV and SmartWater forensic technology to catch offenders who will face prosecution.”

For more information visit the link below.