TEAMS from all corners of the community were brought together by football at the weekend.

Around 200 families packed out Bettws’ PlayFootball centre on Shannon Close for the Newport Refugee Week Football tournament and family fun day.

A ladies team, a homeless young people’s team, two teams from housing associations, four teams from different communities and six refugee teams were amongst those battling it out on Saturday.

Nathan Blake, ex-Premier League and Wales international officially opened the tournament.

Organiser Robert Muza from the Zimbabwe Newport Volunteering Association, said: “It was very successful and the most touching thing for myself coming from a refugee background was the social interaction between the migrant and receiving communities.

“Through sport, music and food people share the same thing and it breaks barriers down.”

Special cultural dishes were cooked for the day, which was supported by Charter Housing, Newport City Homes, Welsh Refugee Council, Welsh Football Trust and Streetgames.

The Monday Club of Bettws won the tournament. Every Tuesday, multicultural football sessions take place at Newport Leisure Centre from 6.30pm.