A FIREFIGHTER who loitered outside his ex-girlfriend’s home nearly two years after the relationship ended has been barred from contacting her for five years.

David Vaatstra, 53, was spotted near the home of Angela Harris in Newport twice last month, a court heard.

Police had already given the fireman two harassment warnings when he was seen outside her house between July 2 and 4, Cwmbran Magistrates’ Court heard.

Ms Harris was left “intimidated” and “vulnerable” by the harassment she suffered at his hands, Crown prosecutor Ceri Murphy told the court.

District Judge Richard Williams warned the South Wales firefighter he could face up to five years in jail if he breached the five-year restraining order that he gave him.

Judge Williams told him: “In a sense this is a form of passive aggression.”

The court heard that Vaatstra made “unwelcome” attempts to mend the relationship after it came to an end in September 2011.

Ms Murphy said the “on-off” relationship had lasted around four years, but Vaatstra continued to make contact with her and was given a police warning in September 2011 and another one in February 2012.

Vaatsra, of Gwent Road, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to one count of harassment without violence between July 2 and 4.

The restraining order prevents him from contacting Ms Harris, going near her home and place of work and entering any data onto digital networks making reference to her.

His solicitor, Ralph Evans, said he was employed by the South Wales Fire & Rescue Service and earned around £28,000 or around £1,600 a month.

Vaatstra was also ordered to pay a £370 fine and £85 prosecution costs.