THE Welsh Government is to provide £650,000 for a pilot housing scheme in Newport.

Housing Minister Carl Sargeant announced funding of £1.9m for three so-called co-operative housing pilots in Wales.

One is in Newport – where the Welsh Government has provided £650,000 for a mixed-tenure development by the Seren Group on the former Pirelli site, Lliswerry.

Housing co-operatives allowresidents to democratically control and manage their homes. They are rare in the UK but more common in the rest of Europe.

Bron Lloyd, head of community regeneration at Charter Housing, part of Seren Group, said: “This funding is really good news. We are planning to include a co-operative housing scheme within our new Garden Village development in the centre of Newport.

“This funding will help us get the scheme under way. A number of local people have expressed an interest in the development, but we would love to hear from others who would like to get involved or know more about it.”

Mr Sargeant said: “This is a welcome step forward in delivering on the Welsh Government’s commitment to develop new ways of providing housing through initiatives such as cooperatives.

“Research by the Chartered Institute of Housing shows that households who are currently priced out of the owner-occupied sector but whose needs are not so great that they can access social housing are keen to explore the co-operative housing model.”

Dave Palmer, of the Wales Cooperative Centre, said: “This announcement is very welcome and comes at an important stage in the development of co-operative housing in Wales.”

To express an interest in the Newport project contact Bron Lloyd at coophousing@serengroup. or call 01633 212375.