BLAENAU Gwent’s AM Alun Davies has said he is trying to find a solution to help Ebbw Vale children get to school safely.

Mr Davies announced his commitment as parents gathered outside Beaufort Hill Primary on Wednesday to protest against the council’s refusal to grant their children a free bus ride to Ebbw Fawr Learning Community.

The council recently announced it would not provide a free school bus journey for children who live within two miles of the new multi-million pound facility.

Parents argue children will have to walk to school when the school opens next month because the use of public transport is too expensive.

Mr Davies says he has been contacted by a number of parents from Beaufort who are concerned, and was invited to a meeting with parents last Monday to discuss their concerns. Following this meeting he arranged a further meeting with council officers and ward councillors in order to try to find a way forward.

Mr Davies said: “In calling these meetings and leading these discussions I have tried to help resolve some of the very real transport issues for parents within the current policy of Blaenau Gwent Council.

“Parents say the route is unsafe and I have requested that Blaenau Gwent Council look at it again to see if this in fact the case. The council has acknowledged this and is reviewing the route. I look forward to receiving the result of this review.

“I do not and will not support any action which takes children out of school or which in any way undermines confidence in the new school and the fantastic new facilities available to us. The last thing we want is for children to not benefit from what we all agree is a wonderful new facility, but we must also be realistic about what is possible within the budget constraints facing not only Blaenau Gwent but all local authorities at the moment.

"The council has outlined its policy and now we must work together to ensure children get to school safely. I will continue to work positively with parents in any part of Ebbw Vale to look for solutions."