THE large police presence in Newport on Saturday is one of the sights we will have to get used to on big match days.

Police horses patrolling the streets, officers with cameras and video equipment and police dogs all go hand in hand with policing football games which could have the potential for trouble.

And with Newport County's return to the Football League, the prospect of playing neighbouring Bristol Rovers is an obvious local derby which needs extra resources to keep it trouble free.

But all praise to Gwent police who prevented any flashpoints on Saturday afternoon with robust, highly visible police presence that proactively kept the rival fans away from each other.

There were no major incidents before or after the game - which Newport won 1-0 - and although some of the Rovers fans were boisterous in nature, those in the city centre were not overly troubled by them.

And rather than being labelled as oppressive, the police said they had a positive reaction from travelling fans with many telling them how much they enjoyed coming to Newport.

The bigger the match the more potential for trouble but it appears Gwent police have stepped up their game to reflect Newport's own promotion.