HUNDREDS of music lovers gathered around the bandstand at Belle Vue Park in Newport yesterday to listen to local brass bands playing.

Old, young and those somewhere in between turned out for the day, with lots of dogs enjoying the sunshine as well.

The only Scout band in Wales, the 1st Rogerstone Scout Band, performed , along with the Newport Borough Brass Band and the Allegra Ladies Choir.

The musical afternoon, which started at 2pm, was raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Bands performed a mixture of traditional and modern songs, with ‘Born Free’ going down especially well with the audience.

Children blew bubbles and one young girl rode her scooter in circles around the bandstand as the band played a rousing march.

There were sighs when the Newport Borough Brass Band said they had only one song yet, and whoops when they began again.

Carol Kelly, from Bassaleg, came to hear the music with her husband, son and spaniel Tilly. She said: “We’re loving it. It’s great to see the park being used – we’re so lucky to have it in Newport.

Bandmaster of the Scout Band Gavin Foley, 28, was proud of his musicians for putting on a good show. He said: “Everyone’s enjoying themselves, we’ve had good comments from everyone we’ve spoken to. We’ve got another set coming up – so far so good.”

Tracey Griffiths, 41, from Chepstow Road, said: “It’s good. We didn’t know it was on – we just came down because we have two kids and they wanted to go to the park. It should be really advertised.”