A DEDICATED Newport student has been recognised as Wales Learner of the Year.

Amanda Kingsland,34, who studies at the Sign Language Studies Centre in Newport, was awarded Wales Learner of the Year, and shortlisted for national Learner of the Year in the 2013 Signature Annual Awards earlier this year.

The annual awards hosted by charity and leading awarding body in deaf communications, Signature, recognises individuals and organisations that make steps to give deaf and deafblind people full access in society.

Mrs Kingsland is one of 22 regional winners which have been announced following a UK-wide search by Signature to find outstanding teachers and learners in deaf communications.

All winners have been shortlisted for the national Learner of the Year or Teacher of the Year award, which will be presented at an awards ceremony in London this November.

Miss Kingsland said: “I was so surprised to hear that I had won Regional Learner of the Year.

"It’s an honour to feel that the hard work and dedication which has been necessary over the last three years has been recognised.

"I’m really looking forward to spending time with like-minded students who are equally as committed to learning BSL, at the Signature Awards evening.”

Miss Kingsland also supports at St Paul’s Church Chippenham, with signing for deaf and deafblind people, and is a member of ‘Hush Club’, where students of all levels can practice their skills.

Miss Kingland aims to work as a BSL/English interpreter and further her skills in working with deafblind people in particular.

Jim Edwards, Signature chief executive, said: “Our annual awards ceremony is a very special opportunity to honour people like Amanda, who are dedicated to breaking down barriers between deaf and hearing communities, to create a culture which is open and welcoming for everyone."

Other award categories include; Teacher of the Year, Learner of the Year, Community Spirit, and Organisational Achievement.

For more information visit www.signature.org.uk/award