THE mayor of Newport Cllr Cliff Suller is arranging three events to raise money for Macmillan.

The first is a hog roast to be held at Tredegar House on August 28, at 6pm in the Brew House.

Tickets are £12 and further information can be obtained from the mayor’s office at 01633 210737 or email

The second will be a duck race in the River Ebbw at Tredegar Park on September 15 at 2.30pm.

Entry is £1 with cash prizes for first, second and third.

Again contact mayor’s officer for further details.

The third event arranged by Newport Chamber of Trade will be a black tie dinner dance at the Parkway Hotel on November 2, at 7pm.

It will consist of a three course meal and live music by the James Boys.

The tickets are £35.

Contact Eve Williams on 07710 507424 or email