STUDENTS in Gwent are being encouraged to tweet questions about their next career move after the GCSE exam results last week.

Wales’ largest apprenticeship provider ACT will offer advice on apprenticeships and training opportunities for students who don’t want to continue in mainstream education.

A recent report by the Welsh Government revealed that a fifth of all Welsh 16-24 year olds were classed as NEETs (not in education, employment or training).

Andrew Cooksley, the managing director of ACT Training, said: “The results received on Thursday, can be life changing for young people, but our staff at ACT are on hand to offer support and guidance through social media.

“The Prince’s Trust has revealed that nearly 40 per cent of people in Wales believe that those who fail their exams will struggle to find a job in the future and more than a quarter admit they will always feel inferior to those who did better at school.

“These figures are worrying as there are so many opportunities available to those who don’t want to stay in mainstream education, and that’s why we’re urging GCSE pupils to go online and ask us any questions they have so we can support them with any choices- there are endless opportunities available to young people of all abilities.”

In the run up to results day, ACT also launched the #howmanydidyouget twitter campaign asking people all over the country to reveal the number GCSE’s they had at school.

To send your question, contact ACT on Twitter on @acttraining.