A 17-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of arson after a fire at a Newport block of flats forced a young mum to throw her baby to safety.

Police confirmed the 17-year-old from Newport was being questioned by police after being arrested this morning in relation to the fire at Aberthaw Road in Alway last Saturday night.

The fire rapidly spread through the stairwell of the block of flats, trapping 19-year-old Amy Peterson, her 11-monthold daughter Faye and their dog Pippa in their second floor home, as flames whipped outside their front door. 

The terrified Miss Peterson was screaming at the bedroom window waiting for help, while her neighbours Doris and Geraint Lloyd had also been left trapped on their balcony.

Alerted by his girlfriend, Luke Crawley, 26, who was staying in the block of flats next door ran round to see what was happening.

He called to Miss Peterson to drop Faye down to him, promising he would catch her.

Miss Peterson trusted the hero scaffolder who caught Faye and took her to safety before the Fire Service arrived.

No one was hurt but South Wales Fire and Rescue confirmed that they believed the fire had been started deliberately after a motorbike at the bottom of the stairwell had been set alight.

Police are still appealing for anyone with anyone with any information to come forward by calling 101 or independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800555111.