The Rocky Horror Show is back in the Bristol Hippodrome this week celebrating its 40th birthday. The show is a tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the 20th century following the story of squeaky-clean sweethearts Brad and Janet on an adventure they’ll never forget. Not for the faint hearted this show contains lots of naughty moments and is well known for its audience participation.

And audience participation was the key for tonight’s show with a theatre full of excited people dressed like the show’s characters and from the rousing applause for the opening scene you knew it was going to be a good night. Christopher Luscombe did a great job as the Narrator interacting well with the audience providing many comebacks for the enthusiastic audience.

Ben Forster and Rachel Grundy were marvellous as Brad and Janet and Rhydian Roberts played Rocky with just the right amount of Braun, not brains.

Outstanding in his role as Frank’n’Furter is Oliver Thornton, from Abergavenny, who not only wow-ed with his outstanding voice but also with the emotion he put into the role. He managed to quiet the over enthusiastic audience in his dramatic portrayal of “I’m going home”.

The whole cast deserve a mention and all the performances on stage were astounding with perfect singing to accompany the high octane dance-routines through out the show.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is at the Bristol Hippodrome until Saturday 24th August 2013.