PREPARATION for a restoration project in Newport is underway.

Work will begin at Woodland Road, Newport, to restore the park’s Dingle – an area of woodland in a steep-sided valley this September, with volunteers already preparing the area.

The £50,000 project, which is being led by the Maindee Festival Association, will involve creating wheelchair-friendly access paths, clearing invasive plant species including laurel and Japanese knotweed, protecting and managing existing trees, installing a notice board and planting new areas of woodland to improve wildlife habitats.

Funding for the project is coming from the Welsh Government’s Tidy Towns Fund, Newport City Council and The Veolia Environmental Trust, who awarded a grant of £30,150.

The Maindee Festival Association developed the plans for the project after holding two ‘Tree Days’, where the park’s users were able to give ideas and suggestions.

Three public meetings have also been held to consult on the plans which now have the broad support of local councillors, schools and residents.

The executive director of The Veolia Environmental Trust, Paul Taylor, said: “This project will make a real difference to the community of Newport and its wildlife.

"We are pleased to be supporting the restoration and I look forward to seeing the completed results.”