THE inquest into a Valleys cyclist who died after a crash on the A472 was opened in Newport yesterday.

Paul Jones, of Markham near Blackwood, 60, suffered chest injuries after the collision on Crumlin’s Hafodyrynys Road on the morning of August 12, Gwent Coroners Court heard.

Gwent coroner David Bowen adjourned the inquest to allow police inquiries into the incident to be concluded.

Coroners officer David Arnold told the short hearing that Gwent Police were informed at 7.21am that a man riding a pedal cycle had been hit from his bike on the Hafodyrynys Road in Crumlin.

Police and the ambulance service attended the scene and Mr Jones was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport.

His death was confirmed at 8.16am the same day and Mr Jones was later identified by a family member, Mr Arnold said.

A post mortem was carried out at the University Hospital Wales, Cardiff, by a Home Office pathologist. Mr Arnold told the court the cause of death was given as blunt trauma to the chest, involving rib fractures and lacerations of the heart.

The officer told the court that the male drivers of two other motor vehicles which were involved in the collision were arrested and released on police bail pending investigations by Gwent Police.

He said no named person had any objection to the release of Mr Jones’ body in order that a funeral may take place.

Gwent coroner Mr Bowen said he was satisfied with evidence of identity and proposed to adjourn investigations for a period of three months to allow police inquiries to be concluded.

Paul Jones’ wife Angela paid tribute to her husband last week, saying her family was “lost without him.”

She said: “He was not your average 60-year-old. He was super fit and looked many years younger than his actual age.

She described him as “an amazing father and grandfather who took pleasure in spending time with them.”

“Paul was someone who was ‘always on the go’ – he didn’t stop working, even when he was home,” she said.

Mr Jones was originally from the Cwmbran area but moved to Markham around 17 years ago.

Paul’s son, also called Paul, had said: “Words cannot describe the heartache, but it can be replaced in everlasting memory with the joy and never ending selflessness which he brought to all he knew and loved.”