A WOMAN pleaded guilty to inciting a boy aged under 15 to engage in sexual activity at court yesterday.

Louise Mitchell, 37, from Cross Keys, appeared before Caerphilly Magistrates Court charged with inciting a boy aged under 15 to engage in sexual activity at a house.

The court heard how the victim was at the property at the end of last year, where Mitchell was also present.

The defendant consumed four or five cans of Strongbow, before other adults went upstairs to bed, leaving the defendant with the victim.

They began kissing on the sofa, before moving into a spooning position with the victim behind her and his arm wrapped around her waist, with him becoming sexually aroused.

The court were read police interviews, during which the defendant states that “there was no sex, there was cwtching.”

In the interview, Mitchell said that the pair were both wearing clothes and that she knew that she shouldn’t have been cwtching him because of his age.

During interview she described the kissing as pecks on the cheek and not passionate, and said she didn’t think of him in a sexual way.

They remained in the spooning position for at least 30 minutes before they both fell to sleep.

When speaking to police officers she said: “I take full responsibility for kissing. I shouldn’t have, I’m the adult.”

She said that her intentions were to have a cwtch and go to sleep.

District Judge David Parsons said: “If you’re there and not removing yourself than you're the cause of the sexual activity.”

He also pointed out that on several occasions she said that she knew it was wrong to officers during interview.

Mitchell pleaded guilty and was released on bail until sentencing takes place on September 12.