A DOG'S only surviving puppy was snatched from a garden in the Valleys, leaving its family heartbroken.

Seven week old Huskamute Luna was outside Clos Ceirw, Fair View, Blackwood, with her mother Coco on Friday evening.

Around 8.30pm, Colin Turley, 56, checked on the pair, only to discover the puppy had vanished.

The family believe there was no way the pet could have escaped, as the garden is surrounded by an 8ft fence on one side and 3ft hedge on the other.

And as the dog was so young, it would not go far without its mother, who tragically lost her six other puppies during birth in June.

Lena was the first born and only survivor of a complicated labour, which makes her extra special to Mr Turley, his girlfriend Patricia Mathias, 58 and Colin's daughter Hannah, 20.

Ms Mathias, who saw Lena born on her birthday June 25, said: "Luna is very very special to us as the six other pups didn't make it. The second pup to come was stuck and by the time we got Coco to the vets the others had died.

"That adds to our anguish. It's a tragic situation, it was the only pup she had and now she has been stolen. We would appeal to anyone who has got her to bring her back, she's way too young to be separated from her mum."

Three-year-old Coco was left distressed by the incident and kept searching the garden for her offspring.

The family took her out around the neighbourhood, hoping she might pick her scent up, but there was no trace.

Since then the family has made a Facebook group 'Where's Luna?', which has attracted more than 600 'likes' from people as far away as Australia and Canada.

The story has also been posted on numerous websites including doglost.co.uk.

Luna has a cream and brown coat, with blue eyes and is big for her age.

A Gwent Police spokeswoman said the matter has been reported and enquiries are ongoing.

Anyone with information should contact Gwent Police on 101 quoting log 654 August 16.