A GROUP of teenagers have given up their summer holidays to produce a training film to help adults working in child protection.

The short film, called ‘Who do we talk to’, has been made by a group of 14 to 18 year-olds from the Newport Safeguarding Children’s Board, (NSCB).

Natalie Brimble, project leader, works with the NCSB alongside Newport council and said: “The young people were concerned that staff working with children weren’t trained to deal with disclosures. “

These disclosures can cover a range of safeguarding issues including domestic abuse and teen pregnancies. The film is from the perspective of a young person in this situation and how they feel they could be helped best. The youngsters received help from Target Arts, as well as support from the Be Heard Advocacy, a Tros Gynnal project.

The volunteers are from all over Newport, from school representatives to young people who’ve been in care.

They started working on the project at the beginning of August and have been meeting every week.

The training film is going to be added on to the child protection training and will be shown to all professionals training in Newport.

The film will be shown at Cineworld, Newport, on September 4 at 6pm, where the young volunteers will be joined by their friends, family and members of the council.

The Newport Safeguarding Children Board was established in October 2006 to promote the welfare of children and young people in the city of Newport.