A NEWPORT man is to climb Snowdon before walking back the 160 miles to the city's Royal Gwent Hospital in order to raise money for the special baby care unit.

Earl Palmer, 36, an actor from Ringland, has decided to climb Snowdon, come back down again and walk the 160 miles back to Newport alone on September 7.

Mr Palmer has previously taken part in a group 36-hour gym marathon in memory of his friend Steven Lewis, 31, who died in December 2011 from stomach cancer, and has also fundraised for the Sparkle Appeal.

He said: “Two close friends of mine have recently had newborns and both were premature and spent a fair amount of time in the special baby unit, and they could not speak highly enough of the treatment and support they received.

“Because of that care they have now been able to take both of them home. So that’s why I decided to raise the money for them, because of the fantastic work they do.”

Mr Palmer and a group of friends are going to climb Snowdon, which should take around four or five hours.

But while the others will then get into their cars and drive home to Newport, Mr Palmer will be walking an average of 40 miles a day for four or five days from Snowdon back to Newport.

He said: “I’ve got my walking boots ready. I’m trying to twist a few arms to make some of my friends come with me, but unfortunately most of them have lives.

“I’m starting to get nervous now. It’s the equivalent of six marathons in six days. But its for a brilliant cause and I just want to raise as much money as possible.”

So far he has raised £736. To donate visit www.justgiving.com/Earl-Palmer2 or text EARL77 and an amount of £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070.