Young people with Asperger syndrome can make friends and learn new social skills at two new social groups set up in Newport, run by the National Autistic Society Cymry (NAS Cymru)

Asperger syndrome is a form of autism and is a lifelong condition which can find it difficult to communicate with others.

NAS Cymru’s Harvey Philpott said: "We have already had a few meetings in Caerleon and Newport and they are already very popular. The groups are for people with Asperger syndrome between the age of 18 and 25 and they meet every month.

"Our sessions will alternate between social activities and more structured sessions with input around personal safety, managing money and using the internet.

“We are also looking for more volunteers to help support us and other members of the group. Volunteers do not need to have special knowledge or experience before they join, as we will provide full training."

If you would like to join or volunteer with either group, contact Harvey Philpott or Becky Williams on or or 01633 431413.