CHARITABLE people across Gwent are joining together to take part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan.

Three sisters have challenged themselves to bake 400 cupcakes for a coffee morning at Ebenezer Baptist Chapel on September 27.

The event, which will run from 10.30am to 2pm, is the second year Colleen Hanks, 44, Sally Hathaway, 46, and Claire Moody, 40, have held a coffee morning for Macmillan, following last year’s successful event which raised £450 on the day, and £150 in cupcake sales.

The three started fundraising after their father, Carl Poulsom, 70, was diagnosed with bowl cancer.

The Royal Gwent Hospital also got involved with a coffee morning yesterday in the medical day case unit.

More than 100 people turned up to the event, which raised more than £400.

Fundraising volunteer and corporate ambassador, Claire Thompson, of Newport, was keen to support the charity after her father Graham Brettell, 69, of Newport, was diagnosed with cancer in July 2012.