CONSULTATION on a draft cultural strategy from Newport City Council is under way.

The strategy will aim to improve people’s lives and make the city a vibrant place to live and visit.

The council said: “Newport is a city with a proud sporting and cultural tradition and heritage. It improves and enriches the lives of people through enabling them to have fun, learn and gain qualifications, enjoy physical health and mental wellbeing or be employed in the cultural sector.

“The excellence of the council’s sporting cultural resources also attracts visitors to the city which supports the local economy, sustains and creates jobs and promotes positive images of Newport.”

The council also proposes to establish a cultural partnership which brings together organisations and individuals who contribute to the cultural life of the city.

The statement added: “Through working together the city can maximise opportunities and jointly plan to ensure that cultural resources are maximised.”

Read the draft strategy and have your say at Consultation ends on Wednesday, October 30.