A CONSULTATION on proposed changes to Torfaen council’s school and college transport policy has started which could see reductions to the recommended mileage criteria from September 2015.

All councils in Wales are legally required to provide free home to school transport for young people who meet specific criteria, usually those not living within walking distance of their catchment schools.

The law defines walking distance as two miles for children less than eight years of age and three miles for children aged eight or above.

There is no legal requirement to provide transport to post-16 learners.

The current school transport policy in Torfaen is more generous than this bare minimum.

It defines walking distance as 1.5 miles for children less than eight years of age and two miles for children aged eight or above.

In addition, it provides a travel grant to post-16 learners when they live more than two miles from the school or college they attend.

In 2011 Torfaen developed the 21st Century Schools programme, which will see significant investment in school buildings over the next 10 years.

To afford that investment, the council is changing the free home to school and college transport policy.

The proposed changes would mean that from September 2015 the new criteria will be two miles for children less than eight years of age and three miles for children aged eight or above.

To have your say on these proposed changes, a questionnaire is now available on the council’s My Say webpages, https://mysay.torfaen.gov.uk

The consultation will run until December 20.