Status Quo are widely acknowledged as being one of the hardest working bands on the current touring circuit, and it’s apparent that they have no plans to ‘roll over and lay down’ any time soon.

Their local Christmas gigs have become legendary.

Any initial doubts as to whether they and support warm-up act, 10CC would prove easy bed-fellows were completely unfounded as the 70s giants commanded the stage with an impressive medley of hits ending with a spot-on acapella version of Donna and an explosive, Rubber Bullets.

Whilst the die-hard Quo fans made them more than welcome, it was clear that they were anxious to get their party started, in the way only they know how.

From the opening chords of Sweet Caroline through to the closing ones of Bye Bye Johnny this crowd were on their feet, begging the question as to why the Motorpoint Arena had made it an all-seated one in the first place?

Energy levels were high both on and off stage, and despite Rossi’s quipps to have cameras at the ready in case he keeled over, the fact is that these guys can still deliver two hours of pounding hits without even breaking a sweat.

I lost count of guitar changes, but noted that Rick Parfitt’s lasted just one and a half numbers before hastily being handed in for re-stringing.

Cliche?, maybe, but these guys really have stood the test of time.

Jackie Davies