THE FOURTH annual fancy dress walk in memory of Newport lifeguard Steven Lewis was another success, raising hundreds for St David’s Hospice.

On Bank Holiday Monday, (May 25) the Spring Bank Holiday Fancy Dress Walk saw dozens if people turn out to raise around £225.

This year the three-mile route started and finished at the Newport Indoor Bowling Centre, taking in Caerleon Road, Chepstow Road and Maindee.

World cyclists Ryan Farley and Rob Shipley started the walk.

“The weather held out and although the sun didn’t appear too often through the clouds it was just the right temperature for walking in fancy dress – particularly for the person who had a very furry doggy outfit!” Mrs Lewis said.

“The atmosphere was enhanced by the attention shown by passing motorists and buses all blowing their horns loudly to acknowledge the walk.

“Members of the public en-route all gave generously to our bucket collection, which totalled £225.”

Winners for this year’s fancy dress walk were: Scarlett Dack, the under-3 category dressed as a crayon; Ella Tutton, the over-3 category in her 80s outfit; Best Male was Matthew Lewis dressed as a Sheik; Best Female was Linda Reardon in her Minion’s outfit.

“Although the sponsor money is ongoing the donations are already over £2,300 and this looks good for the start of the fourth year of fundraising for St David’s Hospice in memory of Steve Lewis,” Mrs Lewis added.

“Following the success of the first three years the new target for this year is £44,444.44 and there are many events planned for the remainder of this year.”

Ryan Farley and Rob Shipley are teaming up with Jackie Lewis’s fundraising group to raise money for St David’s Hospice Care.

The next two events will be the Blue Belles Walk at Cwmbran Boating Lake on the August 16 and the Steve Lewis It’s a Knockout Swimming Event on the September 6 at the Newport NISV pool.

For more details on these or any of the other events contact Jackie Lewis either by email or see message on Facebook or telephone 01633 665361.