HEALTHCARE inspectors have made a series of recommendations to NHS chiefs following an unannounced dignity and essential care inspection at a Royal Gwent Hospital ward.

Improving record keeping practice, standards governing rest and sleep, and eating and drinking for patients, protecting mealtimes for patients, and cutting delays in the supply of linen were among the actions called for by Healthcare Inspectorate Wales in a report on the two-day inspection of ward C7 West - a surgical ward specialising in the care of patients with colorectal disorders.

Patients told inspectors that staff were kind and treated them with respect, and it was observed that arrangements were in place to maintain patients' privacy and dignity as far as possible.

Fundamentals of Care (FoC) standards were being met overall, but the inspectors recommended that improvements be made around record keeping relating to different aspects of patient care. Continence care was a particular area, along with written care plans for individuals.

Inspectors also recommended that the health board take corrective action to eliminate delays in the delivery of clean linen to the ward, after staff highlighted the issue.

Linen supply, although much improved across hospitals in Gwent, has been the subject of concern for patients' watchdogs for some time.

The inspectors also found that though a protected mealtimes policy - designed to provide patients with an interruption-free mealtime - is in place on the ward, it was not being adhered to and they recommended that this issue be dealt with as far as possible.

The health board was also asked to investigate the regular faults experienced with the ward buzzer system to determine whether it is fit for purpose.

An action plan has subsequently been agreed between the health board and HIW, for dealing with the recommendations.

The health board has also reported that an improvement plan drawn up following a dignity and essential care inspection on Usk Ward, Nevill Hall Hospital, has now been implemented.

This has included action taken to address concerns about staffing levels.