HUNDREDS of music lovers turned out for Record Store Day celebrations in Newport today, with bar owners hoping for carry on the success with bigger acts next year.

Businesses have called today “brilliant” for both live music and Newport as venues across the city welcomed local artists to perform.

The celebrations and live music will continue later into the evening.

Benji Webbe, the frontman of rock band Skindred, will take to the stage at Slipping Jimmy’s later tonight just two months after he was stabbed in a late-night attack.

Organised by Newport Rises and Newport City Radio, the event has seen music at Slipping Jimmy’s bar and grill on High Street, the Ivy Bush on Clarence Place and in the Market, and Diverse Music on Charles Street.

David Went, owner of the Ivy Bush, said: “It’s going well.

“A day like this is very important for Newport. We are already looking at making plans for next year, that’s how important it is for the city.

“We are looking at making it a major event next year with a big stage and big acts to big up the smaller acts.”

Steve Reynolds, owner of Slipping Jimmy’s, said: “It’s gone great.

“We have got about a hundred people in the bar. There’s people in and out and friends and family have come in to see the bands.

“It’s brilliant, we look forward to next year.”

Newport City Radio managing director Ian Lamsdale, said: “Record Store Day has become a key date in our live events schedule.

"It gives us a chance to work with up and coming acts who have their music played on our Unsigned show on Tuesdays a chance to show what they can do on a stage. It’s a proud moment for them, us and Newport”

Local performer Jack Perrett added: “I am playing to promote my debut EP 'What You Saying?' and to get more local people involved in Record Store Day.”