PEOPLE in Newport abseiled the Transporter Bridge over the weekend to raise money for two different charities.

On Saturday, participants climbed the 278 steps of the iconic Newport bridge and abseiled 178 feet to raise money for St David's Hospice.

On Sunday, participants did the same thing to raise money for Action on Hearing Loss.

Job Stubbs, from Action on Hearing Loss, who also did the abseil, said: "It has gone very well, it has been a really nice day for it.

"There was a lovely atmosphere.

"Thirty-one people took part and we’ll be raising more than £3,000, which will be used to support local research into hearing action.

"It’s the first time we’ve done an abseil from the Transporter Bridge in Newport, but we've organised them in different places."

To take part in the abseil for the charities, participants had to pay a registration fee and were also encouraged to raise a minimum sponsorship of around £50 to £75.

Louise Lewis, from Machen, raised more than £450 for St David's Hospice.

She said: "I work for a specialist property lawyer in Cardiff called Insight Law and we've chosen St David's Hospice as our charity for the next 12 months.

"I thought I'd lead by example and be the first one to take part in an event for the charity.

"It was absolutely fantastic. I loved it.

"I thought I'd be nervous, but the staff were very professional and they made you feel relaxed and confident.

"I'm definitely going to do it again next year."

On Friday, St David's Hospice has organised a 77 mile route from Newport to Bristol, starting at 10pm from Newport International Sports Village.

There's an entry free of £25.

Entries are still open and, to join the night ride, visit