A STUDENT from Pill has managed to raise the £3,000 she needed for a new wheelchair after a series of fundraising events.

Ayesha Khan, of Haynes Court, was born with spina bifida and has used a wheelchair all her life.

The 21-year-old needed a new wheelchair after the previous one, which she had had for five years, started to fall apart.

Miss Khan, who is studying IT at Coleg Gwent, said: “The new wheelchair has really helped.

“It has given me more back support and is helping me to sit properly.

“Now I have done fundraising for myself, I would like to do more to help other people.”

Among other events, Miss Khan held a homemade bake sale at the at Pill Millennium centre and a fair at Newport City Church to raise the funds.

She is also an ambassador for Whizz-Kidz, which provides disabled children and young people with mobility equipment, opportunities to meet and have fun.

She has been presented with a Kidz Board award for her commitment to campaigning and fundraising in Wales.