AN ARMED man who stabbed a friend over a loan of just £10 has been jailed for five years at Cardiff Crown Court.

Jamie Challis, 20, admitted pulling a knife on his friend Lee Liles as the pair faced off on a busy Newport street to settle differences over the loan.

He pleaded guilty to charges of actual bodily harm and witness intimidation.

The court heard that after feeling what felt like a punch, Mr Liles realised he was bleeding and saw the two inch curved blade in Challis’ hand.

Gareth Williams, prosecuting, said: “Mr Liles described the pain as the worst he had ever felt before.”

A witness followed Mr Liles and called an ambulance. 

He described him “screaming in pain” and said he could see red on his shirt.

Two weeks later, the court was told, Challis approached Mr Liles on Newport High Street, riding around him on his bike threatening to “stab [Liles] in the neck” if he was jailed for the stabbing.

Jason Howells defending said: “It seems that this was a fight over £10 but there has been ill feeling between the pair for some time.”

He argued that Challis had not planned the encounter and wasn’t carrying the knife with the intention of stabbing Mr Liles.

Judge Patrick Curran described the attack as “life threatening”, saying the stabbing “could easily have killed him [Mr Liles]”.

Judge Curran added: “Such wounds are incredibly dangerous and, although unintentional, may result in fatal consequences.”

Challis, of Medway Road, Bettws, Newport, also pleaded guilty to stealing his mother’s car after an argument over a house party.

He was sentenced to five years in custody and disqualified from driving for eight months from the time of his release.