TWO drug addicts with prolific criminal records who fought each other in front of horrified city centre shoppers after falling out over missing methadone have been jailed.

Robert Sargent was armed with a knife outside Caffé Nero on Newport’s Commercial Street when he clashed with Kevin Morgan as young children were walking past.

Prosecutor Christopher Evans told Cardiff Crown Court the drunken duo battled at 5pm on February 27 and their duel was witnessed by terrified café customers and staff.

He said: “Mr Morgan and Mr Sargent were with a group of people when they had a disagreement and began shouting and fighting with one another in the street.”

Mr Evans told the judge, Recorder Lucy Crowther, that both were “intoxicated” and the latter picked up a pink craft knife he found on the floor, but did not use it in the tussle, and had earlier drank half a bottle of sherry.

He added: “Members of the public were walking up and down the street and there were also a number of small children who witnessed it.”

The court heard that a rumpus had broken out because Sargent was being blamed by Morgan over missing methadone which belonged to his partner.

Sargent, 40, of Stamford Court, Newport, admitted affray and having an article with a blade or point.

Morgan, 36, of Bryngwyn Road, Newport, pleaded guilty to affray on the day of his trial.

Mr Evans said Sargent had 53 convictions for 80 offences which included 18 for public disorder and one for possessing an imitation firearm.

He told the judge that Morgan had 37 previous convictions for 87 offences, including one for wounding in 2007 after he hit his victim in the face with a brick and another for kicking a man on the ground in Risca seven years ago.

Jeffrey Jones, representing Sargent, said his client had already spent the equivalent of a 12-month jail sentence after being remanded in custody for the past six months following his arrest.

He said that the defendant had led a “drug-free existence in prison” and had struggled with heroin addiction.

Peter Donninson, for Morgan, admitted the episode had been an “unpleasant incident” and added that his client was also battling to overcome his heroin addiction.

Recorder Crowther told the pair: “This was a serious public disorder on a busy city centre street.

“Alcohol was involved and it was fortunate that no member of the public was hurt or became involved.”

She jailed Sargent for nine months and Morgan for ten-and-a-half months.

Both will each have to pay a £140 victim surcharge upon their release from prison.