In an unprecedented move by the CoolBrands Council, Aston Martin has been awarded the UK's coolest brand for the second year running.

CoolBrands is an initiative operated by the Superbrands organisation and presents expert and consumer opinion on the UK's strongest brands. It is considered to be a key barometer of the nation's coolest brands, people and places and a benchmark for brand success.

This year's council includes Radio One DJ Trevor Nelson, designer Ben de Lisi and Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Ekow Eshun.

Stephen Cheliotis, Chairman of the CoolBrands Council for 2008 commented, "The top twenty cool brands are a reflection of our changing needs, wants and interests. On the one hand, things can become cool by virtue of their necessity or prevalence in your life. On the other, the things you really want but may know you'll never get."