ANNUAL MEETING: On Thursday, October 18, at 6.30pm in the Gaer Community Centre there is to be the annual general meeting of the Gaer Community Network. The managing director, the company secretary and the hon treasurer are due to retire and nominations for these posts given in writing to the company secretary during this coming week.

All Gaer residents are welcome to the meeting, in fact, Gaer residents really should come along and give support to the team that is responsible for the many events that have taken place over the year.

To mention just a few focus groups run by volunteers such as the Knit Knats, the Luncheon Club, the fruit and veg co-op, is proof that the network is working for the community. These groups do not happen by magic, they come because of hard work put in by the members and staff of the network. Surely, therefore, it is not asking too much for some residents to come along to the AGM and give their support.

NEW YOUTH GROUP: Friday evenings will never be the same again when the new youth group open on Fridays from 7.30pm until 8.30pm. There will be workshops, sport, beauty, guitar and singing. Kings Church, Newport, will run the group.

There have been a number of young people already attending and enjoying themselves on Friday evenings. This is good news for young people of the Gaer and it is excellent that such an event is running.

So come along, you youngsters who complain that there is nothing to do on Friday evenings, just contact Heath, the youth development worker on the Gaer. He is often found in number 49, the shops. Alternatively, why not contact the website on

It will be very strange for me to attend a company meeting as a member of the public after all the years that have passed since the Network was formed. However, I am staying on a couple of committees, as is Jack Ritter, the retiring managing director.

Jack will, however, attend at number 57 as usual, where he will be available for sound advice or just a chat, after all, the place would not be the same without his dry wit and sound common sense.