A JEALOUS boyfriend who stabbed his partner with a Stanley knife and then stopped her from seeking hospital treatment for her wound is behind bars.

Robert Greening, 38, from Cwmbran, slashed his girlfriend of five years after he threatened to “cave her head in”.

Steven Donoghue, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court how the attack happened in the victim’s Pontypool home in May.

The judge heard how the complainant had been so scared of Greening during her ordeal that she had urinated herself.


Mr Donoghue said: “An argument ensued over the course of the morning. That was because the defendant was constantly pestering her about being jealous about her having another man.”

The court heard how the woman then suspected Greening of having put an application on her phone so that he could “track her movements”.

She went outside her flat for a cigarette and, the prosecutor said, a neighbour’s son then heard Greening shout at her: “Get in or I’ll kick your teeth in! I’ll cave your head in!”

Mr Donoghue she went back inside and Mr Donoghue added: “The defendant was shouting, ‘I’ll kill you!’ He then said, ‘Go on, stab me. I know you hate me.’

“The complainant was extremely frightened and urinated herself.

“The defendant then lunged towards her and as she put up her right arm, the knife penetrated her arm causing a stab wound.

“Afterwards, he would not allow her to leave the flat to get hospital treatment.”

The victim managed to flee and went to a van driver who was outside for help who phoned the police and told her to get inside his vehicle and that he would lock the doors.

Mr Donoghue said: “The victim replied to him, ‘I can’t do that – he’ll come out and stab you too.”

The court heard how the woman then made her way to Pontypool police station and she received treatment for a deep puncture wound.

Greening, of Farlow Walk, St Dials, pleaded guilty to unlawfully wounding his victim, the offence committed on May 26.

Mr Donoghue said the defendant had 17 previous convictions for 31 offences.

These were mainly for driving matters but there was a harassment conviction against him committed against another woman from 2008.

Hashim Salmman, representing the defendant, said: “His best mitigation is his guilty plea.

“It was not a sustained or repeated attack and there was no intention to cause more serious harm than actually happened.”

The Recorder of Cardiff, Judge Eleri Rees, told Greening: “Your victim was so frightened that she urinated herself – causing a loss of dignity and humiliation.

“You also prevented her from seeking medical attention.”

The judge added: “But you do not have a track record for violence or carrying weapons.”

She jailed Greening for 19 months and made him the subject of a restraining order for five years.

He must also pay a victim surcharge upon his release from prison.