THE Pontypool branch of the Royal British Legion is reforming.

The group was previously forced to shut down after there were not enough members to fill the committee positions.

But, following an increase in local interest, it is now set to reform.


"There are a lot of ex-service personnel and non-service personnel who expressed an interest in reforming the group," said Gwent County Poppy Appeal co-ordinator Mike Jones.

"When we have been out on the Poppy stand in Pontypool we always had people coming up to us asking what happened to the Pontypool branch.

"I would welcome anyone to come along to the next meeting. Even if you don't want to join the branch, but want to help out with the Poppy Appeal in the area, then please come along.

"We don't have a place to have our meetings yet, but the Pontypool Working Men's Club have kindly offered to host us for our next meeting."

The meeting at the Working Men's Club in Top Broadway will be held at 7pm on Monday, October 14.

For more information search Pontypool Royal British Legion on Facebook or call Mr Jones on 07875 089933.