ON SATURDAY, a group of litter pickers tackled a notoriously fly-tipped footpath between Lawrence Hill and Christchurch.

Volunteers from the Newport East Litter Pickers spent around an hour picking up more than 30 bags of rubbish, including TVs , car bumpers, roller blades and tyres.

The group's founder Benjamin Antoniou said: “It was a lovely opportunity for neighbours to get to know each other a bit better and it is great to see different generations coming together to help make Newport cleaner and greener”.


The volunteers were joined by a team from Newport City Homes, who then removed all the waste collected at the end of the event.

South Wales Argus:

Some of the rubbish found in the area, including a car bumper

The group were able to borrow their litter picking equipment from Maindee Library, which was recently set up as Newport’s first ‘Litter Hub’ in partnership with Keep Wales Tidy.

Following the event, the volunteers were treated to mulled wine, Prosecco, hot spiced apple juice and mince pies.

South Wales Argus:

The bags of rubbish collected from the footpath

The group are currently on the lookout for potential volunteers, to join please email cleangreennewport@gmail.com