A DANGEROUS driver with an “horrendous” record behind the wheel caused a power cut after he knocked over a telegraph pole following a high-speed police chase.

Scrap merchant Teejay Birkett was forced to climb out of his 4x4 through its roof after it crashed and landed on its side just before midnight on New Year’s Eve.

Lisa McCormick, prosecuting, said the 29-year-old was spotted driving his Land Rover Discovery through Caerphilly with no lights on.


She told Cardiff Crown Court: “Officers in a police vehicle flashed their lights for the Land Rover to stop but it drove towards them.

“It was driven at speed in order to go around them and mounted a kerb and grass verge.”

Birkett then zoomed past another officer “at such a speed that the vehicle was leaning heavily to the right”.

Miss McCormick said: “He pursued the defendant but had to slam on his brakes to avoid a collision.”

She told Judge Jeremy Jenkins how police lost sight of Birkett but soon found him on Rudry Road.

Miss McCormick added: “He had driven into telegraph pole. The defendant was seen alighting through the roof of the Land Rover which had landed on its side.

“He made from the scene, but the officers could locate him after police dogs were deployed.”

The prosecutor said Birkett was then taken to Newport’s Royal Gwent Hospital after he complained about hurting his leg.

While waiting for treatment there, the defendant started threatening the police officers, vowing to “smash the pair of you up”.

Miss McCormick said Birkett had caused a power cut in Caerphilly and danger to the public after live cables had been exposed.

It cost nearly £1,500 to repair the damage.

Birkett, aged 29, of William Street, Abertridwr, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, failing to stop and a public order offence.

He had “numerous” previous convictions for driving offences, including dangerous driving, 10 instances of driving whilst disqualified and also taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent.

David Rees, mitigating, said his client had pleaded guilty at the very first opportunity when he appeared before Newport magistrates on New Year’s Day.

His lawyer said Birkett was a father to six children and added: “He finds it very difficult in custody. He longs to be back with his family.”

Mr Rees said the defendant’s partner was pregnant and expecting a child in April.

Describing Birkett’s convictions for driving offences as “horrendous”, Judge Jenkins told him: “You drove that night without any recourse at all for the welfare of pedestrians or other road users.”

The defendant was jailed for a total of 14 months and banned from driving for two years and seven months.

He must also pay a victim surcharge upon his release from prison.