A NEWPORT artist will be appearing in next week’s episode of Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year.

John Meredith, 67, entered the competition having been a fan of the popular Sky Arts TV show for years.

After applying online and submitting a self-portrait, he was delighted to receive an invitation to take part in the competition, where one winner will receive a £10,000 commission to paint world famous musician Nile Rogers.

A former art teacher at Risca Comprehensive School, Mr Meredith retired 12 years ago to focus on his art work. Originally from Crickhowell, he now lives in Allt-Yr-Yn, Newport.

On the day of competition heat, which took place at the Battersea Arts Centre, in London, Mr Meredith had wife Jan, son Ben, and long-time friends Viv and Jacqui King in the audience to lend their support.

South Wales Argus: Some of Newport artist John Meredith's previous work, of Rolling Stones members Mick Jagger (left) and Keith Richards. Pictures: John Meredith/InstagramSome of Newport artist John Meredith's previous work, of Rolling Stones members Mick Jagger (left) and Keith Richards. Pictures: John Meredith/Instagram

The day was a fantastic experience, he said.

"I’ve always leaned towards faces, but this is the first time I’ve painted a celebrity sitter," Mr Meredith said.

"It was nerve-wracking at first, but I soon relaxed into it."

He decided to draw - rather than paint - his celebrity sitter using nitram charcoal on moleskin.

Mr Meredith also chose to complete the task without the aid of a camera, preferring the challenge of creating the portrait from life only.

The four-hour time limit was not a problem, and Mr Meredith finished his work early and was pleased with the outcome.

Mr Meredith said he was particularly excited to meet one of his favourite painters, acclaimed artist Tai-Shan Schierenberg, who is a judge on the show.


Back in Newport, Mr Meredith is no stranger to exhibiting his own work. He was once commissioned by Newport Art Gallery to paint Clarence Bridge, and he currently has a portrait collection - produced for the city's Art on the Hill festival last year - on display in Hounds the Barbershop, in Bridge Street.

Mr Meredith encouraged other local artists to enter the competition, saying: "Have a go - the atmosphere is tremendous."

There are only a few days left to enter next year’s Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year competition.

The deadline for entries is Monday, February 10.

Mr Meredith's episode will air on the Sky Arts channel on Tuesday February 11 at 8pm.