THE Welsh Government has been handed £475 million as part of a £1.5 billion handout from the UK Government to help tackle to coronavirus outbreak.

Announcing the funding, chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “We will do what is right to help businesses and individuals in every part of the UK. That is why we announced a special funding package at the budget last week to support those affected by COVID19.

“Today I am confirming this additional funding that will ensure the devolved administrations can support vulnerable people, businesses and vital public services, including the NHS, in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.”


Welsh secretary Simon Hart, said: “The UK Government will do everything possible to help individuals, business and communities across Wales which are being affected by coronavirus.

“Following the response package announced in the budget last week, nearly half a billion pounds is now being allocated by the UK Government to help the Welsh Government meet this exceptional challenge and we will continue to work closely with the Welsh Government to ensure the money reaches those who need it.”

The Scottish Government has been given £780 million, while the Northern Ireland Executive has been handed £260 million.


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