A DAD has vowed to help feed his neighbourhood - because he's world record champion growing giant vegetables.

Kevin Fortey, 41, from Cwmbran, is calling on quarantined Brits to dig in, pick up their shovels and trowels to grow their veg.

Mr Fortey has held world records from growing the worlds biggest chili, radish and beetroot from his plot.

South Wales Argus:

Kevin Fortey with one of his smaller giant cabbage plants. Picture: Wales News Service


South Wales Argus:

Creating a row of bean canes

And he says taking up gardening can be a cure for physical and mental health - as well as tackling potential food shortages.

Mr Fortey said: "I've got a 23 kilo beetroot here that is probably enough to feed my whole neighbourhood.

"Now I'm in the process of getting my soil ready and grow rooms all set up so I've got plenty of stuff for the summer.

"There could easily be food shortages with production lines going down, but there doesn't have to be if people grow their own."

Mr Fortey is currently growing lettuce, cabbage, beetroot and kol rabhi at his home in Cwmbran, with more veg to come through the summer.

South Wales Argus:

Chitting potatoes

South Wales Argus:

Kevin Fortey with one of his kohl rabi plants. Picture: Wales News Service

Mr Fortey was due to pass on his growing tips at a series of events this summer, including farming shows and even visits to prison.

But he has seen a number of events in his calendar fall through due to the pandemic.

South Wales Argus:

Kevin Fortey with his hydroponically grown cucumbers

He said: "I usually use sowing and growing as a way to build the community but now we have to do our gardening on our own.

"But the thing is I will never be truly alone as I always have my veg for company."